【4K】Toronto Inukshuk autumn walk lovely views 🍁

1 year ago

4K Urban relaxing autumn walk at Coronation and Trillium Toronto inukshuk Park, Toronto waterfront lake Shore Blvd West at Martin Goodman Trail and Remembrance Dr, beautiful lake views, lots of green grass and trees in stunning fall colors with a gorgeous city skyline view of Lake Ontario and boats scene nearby Anchorage. Trillium Park provides excellent views of flights taking off west from Billy Bishop Airport. It also features a statue of Inukshuk. The park is located just south of the exhibition venue. There is an Inukshuk structure within the park that was created by Inuit artist Kilibalik Kemerbek from Cape Dorset, Nunavut, and the structure is made of pink granite. Inukshuk structures are important symbols of Canada's indigenous people. An Inukshuk is an Inuit stone structure often found in Arctic landscapes. It serves as a guide for travelers on land and sea, providing wellbeing, advice, and three-dimensional guidance. There is also a waterfront walk to Toronto Music Park overlooking the harbor with the CN Tower autumn scene.

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