A Third Path to Civil War

11 months ago

In my previous video we discussed how voting laws change and legal (although unconstitutional) capture of the election system could lead to civil war. In this video we examine another way that the United States could find itself in a civil war. A strong economy is essential to the stability of any nation so many have wondered why our leaders have made economic choices that aren't just not helpful but actively counterproductive. Why print money when our economy is weak? Why send money overseas when we have homeless veterans and deficit spending? The answer could be that they want our economy to hyperinflate and fall apart so they can attempt a reset with a central bank digital currency or CBDC. Both the process of intentionally collapsing our currency and trying to implement a centrally controlled CBDC could lead to civil war. This conflict would be horrible and drawn out because the goal of destroying economic freedom is to deprive people of political freedom. Without the economic means to pursue your political desires you do not have political freedom. Once a CBDC is implemented we have two possible futures, a social credit dystopic future or a dystopic future of rebellion and war.

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