The VISION and MESSAGE the Lord Gave Me on 9-18-23 Being Fulfilled Now!

1 year ago

Last night 9/18/23. Not just a message from the Lord but a vision. See my notes in comment. Please like, subscribe, comment, share. Some of this I believe- especially the very first part of this vision- has already been fulfilled. I realize now that the first piece of the vision is related to Gaza.

September 18th, 2023

NOTE: I have put the visions/images in parenthesis here.

(People on the street in rubble
I see a man, Middle Eastern- black and curly hair and he is walking down a dusty road. There are people on the road and rubble there. Brown buildings, very dusty.
Then I see a neighborhood block- old houses. The roof caved in like a bomb dropped on the house.
Cold city
Detroit maybe?)

These are things which must take place
Desolation on your cities
Desolation is declared on those nations who betray Me
Who reject My word, My people, My name
The bowls will be poured out upon you, o nations

Repent before it is too late

Bind together o family
Stretch your hands to heaven
Call on me, call on my name
While there is yet time
I will wait no longer
No longer shall my wrath be withheld
I have declared justice
I have put you in the scales and found you lacking
Who among you can stand on my great day?
Only the man who makes the Lord His trust
And call on my name
And you will be saved

(Steelworks. Railyard. Train cars on fire. City on fire. Steel town. Snow on the ground - maybe?)

Those who meet in secret high halls, towers of steel and glass
The counsels of men and nations
They will declare peace and safety
But there is no peace apart from Me!
There is only the expectation of coming judgement

(I see the flags of the United Nations. Large halls. A man talking. Older man. Nearly bald and glasses)

They seek to turn the world as a key in their hand
Their agenda is destined for destruction
It is a counsel of demons
Written by the lord of lies
Put no faith in their words, o my people
Put no faith in their statutes
You who are mine, have nothing to do with them
They plot and plan
To seize the world for themselves
But I will confound their plans
I will bring their schemes to ruin!
The towers will fall
The kings and princes of the world will be cast down

(I see pillars- ancient pillars, Cracks emerging. The pillars shift and fall and the roof collapses. I see marble heads- like a statue- the statue of David- cast down, shattered. Rubble. Earthquake. Maybe Rome? Smoke over the city. A walled city. I think it is Vatican City. Earthquake. Mountains. A city set on a hill. 7 hills. Collapsing.
A Flag. Dark blue on the top and white on the bottom. Gold stripes of some type. Golden tassel around the flag. Sometime of bird. Imperial flag? Rome? Like an eagle or a hawk or something as a seal? Stars and a sword?)

For the earth

(I see an old church building. Stone. Ancient. A crack above the door. It Is uninhabited now. )

Desolation and woe is coming

(Forests on fire. Ships. The smoke rises to heaven- like a volcano?
The smoke can be seen from space)

For the mighty day of the Lord has come
Tribulation for the earth

(The angels. I see the angels. They are scattering ashes from bowls into the air. It falls on the sea and the earth as a plague.
The storm- a great storm. Black clouds billowing and consuming everything. The sea opening. And there is something in the sea.
There is something in the sea. Locusts. The abyss is opening. And the locusts. So many. Together they look like a giant beast. A beast of locusts. )

Desolation for the earth.
For the nation who resists
Terror of terrors
For the great and mighty day of the Lord has come

(The scroll. There is an angel opening the scroll. He is reading the judgement on the earth. Pronouncing judgment on the earth. He is high above the sky looking down and as he reads I see the storm clouds and lightning coming down on cities a wave of destruction.
It is terrible. It is the end. It is the end. I cry out to the Lord- save us from the day, Lord.)

They will cry
They will cry
They will hide, but there is no hiding
There is no hiding
The mountains will fall
The cities will fall
The sky is red
There is no sun for the smoke fills the sky

(My wife asks- who do we go to? Who do we warn? Who will listen?)

I have appointed you as my mouthpiece
Therefore speak these things to them
Tell them what you have seen
Perhaps some will repent and return before the day comes upon them

Beloved I have not appointed you to this wrath
O beloved, I have set a feast for you
I have set a table for you

(I see the table. I see a long table dressed with food. I see a throne. A rainbow. This is the throne room.

While breath remains
There is yet time
We are on the threshold
It will be just as I have said
My word is true
It is trustworthy
Rely on me
Remain faithful
If you love me, you will obey my commandments
eBe bold
Do not fear
I am a fortress around you
The Enemy will not breach your gate
For I the Lord will be your strong right hand
Make me your trust
And you will stand with me on that day
Tell them

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