RageCast 385: HERZ AUS STAHL

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830pm est

As things progressively get more intense and one social referendum cascades into the next - the impact of facing off with these difficult moral problems is being revealed.

Many have simply lost their minds. Succumbed finally to years of stress and fear programming has made carried many away into a dogmatic state of obedience bolstered by a reluctance to engage in challenging reflection.

I'm reminded of an old Germanic-Anglo Saxon idiom "Herz Aus Stahl" meaning to succeed in difficult times, you must have have a heart of iron or steel.

It doesn't mean to be an unfeeling, cold machine but rather set your heart upon the correct destination and meaning and never waver from what you know to be true, nomatter what happens. You are impervious to moral corruption and being led astray that never gives up fighting for what's right - an iron heart.

Steel your hearts and have no fear!

It's who we are, who we have always been and always will be

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