May Them Cryptic Matrix Chips Be Scattered To The Proper In All The directions!

1 year ago

To the girl i gave the flyer too please know all i was trying to do is help you all, find Annette Marie, and get justice and answers for the other families and children on the flyer! Sorry i scared you with truth but be rest assured these issues are not going away and shall only get worse with so many failing in their obligations at this time in our world!

My apologies Ms. M for the strikes & no surprise considering the timing and content! i was actually saying in this video i hope i don't get you into trouble as they take out everyone around me eventually it would seem! Can't email anyone that matters or would help, texting much the same... From Ms. Goldfishy to Eisenhower now you, cloned accounts even in the past with those whom knew about the jeebus lie and 7 sisters Turtle Island connections!

Like i said in the video to Patty Greer too with the kell creature comments! Better to help the many with partial truth than the few with full truth in the end i know so thanx again for confirmations, validations and your insights that help me expand all that i have connected here thus far and sorry they are coming after you now as well!

i was going to expand on the below PDF but i think it best i stop bringing more attention to you and the crew thus let's keep this as it is and tone it down from now on!
Some really really really good [Q]uantum meth there going on Ms. Minerva aye!

Feel free to check out Patty Greer & Ms Laura Eisenhower with all the stellar comments and links inspired by the kell creature that calls me a freak for trying to help you all, our women, children and world! And by all means give that kell creature lots of likes for me please okay! Surely to hell you can do something i hope!
Patty Greer & Laura Eisenhower C60 EVO Testimonial 4/2023
The PDF below as well never was finished fully either that i used in this video but now with them killing David Hawkins and everything i've said has came to be spot on with only more validations here you go! incomplete with lots of links etc! As for "mad" like the spotty creature went on about? What? 5 bloody years seeking help here and your ignorance would cast aside women and children thanx to your ignorance? thanx to your calling yourself a "christian" living a lie? calling me the troll for trying to bloody help you all? Ya okay spotty creature you rock for sure! it's creatures like you we can thank for why you can kiss billions good bye here 10 years down the line so bravo spotty creature yay!
THE GOLDFISH REPORT NO comments back up Dr Drew spotty creature

See the Original full length videos used within this edit linked below_
5G Activate Borg Like Creature Aye, torba Skin Metric Cut Yup!

Where as i said in this video if that my adaptation with new info has sky woman not as i first thought!

This PDF is a mix of emails/pictures/links/video/audio evidence to the wrecker whom is in possession of my 2014 dodge charger that I would consider to have been stolen thanks to the collaborative actions/inactions of many institutions and agencies ranging from the FEDERAL levels of the GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, to PROVINCIAL levels of the GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, to MUNICIPAL levels of the GOVERNMENT(s) OF CANADA all across CANADA the last 5 years in this limbo stalemate hell ride that indeed have failed in their duties/oaths of office under SECTION 21 AND MULTIPLE SUB SECTIONS of the CRIMINAL CODE OF CANADA, as well many violations against INTERNATIONAL LAW(s), or have otherwise overtly worked in collaboration with each other to trespass UNLAWFULLY not only against Annette Marie (since going missing April, 2019 going to VITAL STATISTICS, VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA) the other mother I subsequently met at the CALGARY INDIGENOUS HUB (while seeking help for Annette Marie after she went missing) that is now possibly murdered as well as she was being threatened by a Calgary police services cop after he saw us speaking about her murdered daughter and the horrible satanic ritual abuses/sacrifices/murders they do on/to millions of women/children per year all over this world! Brian as you can also see I’ve learned is but one example to a whole other level of government sanctioned secret experiments that are ongoing and also affect millions of people all across this world! Seeing as it is confirmed beyond any reasonable doubt the online platforms

RUMBLE INC - 218 Adelaide St W, Toronto, ON M5H 1W7 and

Bit Chute Limited, Box 813, Andover House, George Yard, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1PB. United Kingdom. Company number 10637289.

Just to name 2 of many I am adding the beginning of this PDF in my about sections with break downs of relevant groupings/sub groupings, or playlists where available as to highlight them front and centre seeing as the shadow banning and analytics frauds, or otherwise switched videos (to confuse dates and or orders of the original uploads) for all to see for yourselves! This shall be added onto as new content is edited and I am able to bring them!

More links regarding the continued scorched earth tactics happening the world over linked below_
See the links as well in the most recent videos also linked below_

Bell Cyber Crimes Add On, 223 OIPRD, Turtle Island Truth & Motives Context 1

See the Paint Mash folder with finished/unfinished evidence picture mashes in the google drive link below! But a sliver of thousands i've mashed over this 5 year hell ride forsaken another day yay!

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