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Rahan. Episode 43, The Island of the lost Clan. by Roger Lecureux. A Puke (TM) Comic.
Episode Forty Three.
The Island of the lost Clan.
Rahan had believed that he would reach the shore he glimpsed, despite the storm.
But a fantastic gust broke the mast of his skiff, placing on him the large sewn skins which served as his sail!
Entangled in these skins, he was swallowed up by a wave, and dragged into the glaucous depths.
Unable to escape from this strange cocoon, he felt himself being carried away by the waves. He felt as if his lungs were bursting and lost consciousness.
Page Two:
When he recovered his spirits he was lying on a beach.
Kneeling on his chest, a young woman pulled him aside and folded his arms.
Rahan did not imagine that the territory of shadows was like this!
The ocean had calmed down and the sun shone in the blue sky.
You are not in the territory of shadows.
But on the island of the lost clan!
When the great wave threw you back on the shore, wrapped in these skins, Orooa wanted to save you.
She did what her people do when a fisherman sinks into the great river and swallows too much water!
Rahan was amazed.
Even Crao the wise was unaware of this secret!
Rahan thanks Orooa for giving him back his life! He wants to know your brothers!
The beautiful face darkened.
The leaders will not accept Rahan into the clan!
Ooh! Quickly! Let's run away, let's run away!
Page Three:
A hideous beast, the likes of which the son of Crao had never seen before, had burst out of the ground and was crawling towards them.
Orooa dragged Rahan onto a rock.
The giant crab waved its monstrous claws trying to grab their legs.
The "Craaks" are the clan's most formidable enemies!
They hide under rocks or sand and cut off the limbs of our careless fishers!
Rahan knew that his knife would not pierce the monster's shell.
But he smiled.
Crao taught Rahan that there is no invulnerable enemy!
Orooa, amazed, saw him lifting a heavy rock
Page Four:
It was dropped on the crab.
The shell burst. The pincers stopped moving.
Our fishermen have never had this idea to destroy the big "Craaks".
They only run away from them!
Rahan was already jumping from his refuge.
With his knife he cut tendons, detaching the inside part of the large pincers.
However, your people could obtain wonderful weapons!
Look, Orroa. Polished and sharp like Rahan's knife.
Yes, this is a nice weapon!
A weapon? What is a weapon?
The question stunned the son of fierce ages.
A weapon? A weapon.
But it is an object that allows the hunter to kill game, to bring food back to his clan!
Wild meat? What do you mean?
Our clan lives only on fish and birds. When it can capture them!
Orooa pointed to the flock which circled over the high ridges of the island.
Page Five:
They walked along the shore for a long time, until they reached the entrance to a deep cavern.
Men emerged, agitated and hostile.
These are my brothers.
Where does this man come from Orooa?
The Great River threw him back onto our island.
I saved him and he saved me from a “Craak”!
Good spirits sent him to us, Arturk!
Rahan seems to know things that.
Were known by the fathers of the fathers of our fathers!
Orooa no longer has her sanity!
She should know that the clan can barely find enough food to survive!
Rahan would be too many among us!
Let him be thrown back into the great river!
Some men threw themselves at the son of Crao.
But they were so weak that he pushed them back without difficulty.
Clamors arose!
Page Six:
Rahan is not the enemy of “Those-Who-Walk-Upright”!
He will not steal your food!
He will leave your island.
If you give him time to rebuild a raft that will take him across the great river!
Arturk and Traor must leave this to Rahan!
The two chiefs consulted each other for a moment, then.
Since Orooa wants it, Artuk and I will grant you this deadline!
But you will have to live far from the clan!
When the sun has risen as many times as.
The fingers of my hand.
If you do not flee our island, we will kill you!
A new clamor arose when the son of wild ages, using a branch, leapt onto a high rock.
Orooa observed him, admiring and thoughtful.
Orooa thought to herself that it is said that our hunters were as agile and as strong as Rahan, a long time ago, a long, long time ago!
Page Seven:
Rahan quickly discovered the trees with which he could build a new skiff.
The menace of the two leaders did not worry him.
Because he knew that the men of the clan, exhausted by hunger and ignorant of the use of weapons, could do nothing against him.
But if he wasn't worried, he was sad.
These unfortunate people live worse than animals!
Ah! If Rahan could teach them what he knows!
From the first day, the son of Crao dragged several trunks to the shore.
He was going to doze off when.
Rahan! Rahan!
Arturk is going to die! The “Long-Armed-Monster” will drag him into the “Territory of Shadows”!
Only Rahan can try to save him!
Page Eight:
Rahan had never run so fast.
He saw, not far from the shore, the man struggling between the tentacles of an octopus!
This one disappeared with its prey at the moment when the son of fierce ages dived.
If Rahan saves Arturk, he will gain the clan's trust!
He had already triumphed over one of these disgusting beasts.
And knew their weak point.
Avoiding the snake arms with their formidable suction cups, he was able to reach the vital place.
The ivory knife plunged into it and plunged into it again, several times in a row.
The monster vomited its ink which blackened the waves.
Its tentacles waved limply and Rahan was able to snatch Arturk from them.
Page Nine:
While the octopus, struck dead, sank into the depths, he brought the leader back to the surface.
A moment later a man revived Arturk, as the son of Crao had been himself by Orooa.
How strange it is Orooa.
My brothers know how to restore life, but they know nothing about what allows a clan to survive!
How did they come to this lost island?
We almost forgot about it!
Our fathers' fathers were once driven from their land by mountain fire.
They fled across the great river, but had to face its wrath.
This lasted for days and days.
More than half of the surviving clan reached this shore!
Page Ten:
We sometimes talk about the happy times of yesteryear.
But the clan no longer dares to venture on the great river.
But why do you have two chiefs?!
Arturk, whom you saved, is the best fisherman.
We made him the “Chief of Fish”!
Alas! Despite his courage and speed he brings back very few fish!
These are so fast!
As for Traor, he's the "Chief of the Birds"! He alone is capable of waiting for a bird with a stone.
But this too is very rare and. We sometimes go for long days without eating!
Why fish by hand, why hunt with stones when, "Those-who-walk-upright" know so many traps??
Rahan could teach your clan a lot!
Page Eleven:
Arturk and Traor were conversing a few steps away.
If the first was now favorable to the son of Crao, the Second maintained his decision.
Rahan saved you from the "Long-armed Beast" To bring discord between us!
He wants to become the leader of our clan!
When the sun has risen four times if he has not fled the shore, Traor will kill him with his own hands!
The son of fierce ages smiled.
He could have easily defeated Traor.
But an idea came to him.
It is you who will soon ask Rahan to stay among you!!
The clan can only live on fish and birds. But it doesn't capture enough!!
Rahan left but he did not continue that day with the construction of his skiff.
Page Twelve:
Despite her orders, Orooa that evening risked reaching him.
What are you doing?
Rahan once imagined a fish trap.
He will prove to your people that we can capture them without risk!
The son of Crao cleverly fixed thorns on a long, thin vine. And.
When he had garnished these with the shellfish meat from the rocks, he cast his line into the waves.
Orooa, stunned, soon saw the vine relax, and Rahan's wrist come alive with sudden jerks.
Orooa will bring home more fish than Arturk would catch in ten days!
A moment later, the moon shone on a string of large wriggling fish!
They are yours Orooa! You can teach your brothers this trap!
Page Thirteen:
How can Rahan perform so many miracles?
Is it thanks to this magic necklace?
Rahan does not perform miracles.
And the claws of his necklace represent the qualities that those of "Those-who-walk-upright" should have.
Courage, Kindness, Loyalty. Rahan tries to be faithful to Crao, who gave him this necklace!
Shortly after, Rahan heard the playful clamor that greeted Orra's return to her people.
He dozed happily between the trunks of the unfinished skiff.
He was about to fall asleep when a disturbing noise startled him.
Oh!! A “Craak”!
The enormous crab was crawling towards the trunks, waving its monstrous claws.
The son of Crao instinctively threw his knife.
Page Fourteen:
But the ivory weapon, ricocheting off the shell, bounced away.
The horrible pincers were seeking and searching for the man.
No! Rahan will not go to the “territory of shadows”!
Suddenly Rahan lifted up a trunk.
The bark cracked under the claws which closed on it.
Ha-ha-ha! The “Craaks” are the stupidest monsters Rahan knows!
In fact, the Giant Crab dragged the trunk back towards the sea where it soon disappeared.
After retrieving his cutlass he son of Crao climbed into a tree, where no one would come to disturb his sleep.
He thought for a long time about the Orooa clan before falling asleep
If Rahan had the trust of Arturk and Traor, he would build a very large raft!
He would take the clan to a land where they would live more happily!
Page Fifteen:
He was awakened by the shrill cries of large birds.
As if to greet the rising sun, white gulls and black cormorants hover above the island
A few seagulls landed on a rock and it was then that he caught a glimpse of Traor, lying in ambush in the thickets.
The chief of the birds was on the lookout, Rahan thought.
Amused, the son of fierce ages observed the man.
He saw him throw a stone.
But it barely missed his goal.
The panicked birds flew away in a flock.
Traor is not too clumsy.
But his clan will not eat birds today!
He will have to be content with the fish that Rahan caught yesterday!
By saving Arturk, you gained the esteem of part of the clan.
But you will never have Traor's!
“Never” is a word that a wise hunter should not utter!
Page Sixteen:
But, Traor will not return empty-handed to his family!
As a great cormorant landed not far from them.
The ivory knife, thrown with astonishing skill, buried itself in the body of the bird.
Traor can see that Rahan is also not too clumsy! The bird is yours!
One moment later.
Rahan is too proud.
No! Rahan would only be proud if he brought back enough birds to feed the whole clan!
If you were capable of such a thing, traor would forget everything he thinks of you!
Seizing the cormorant, Traor disappeared rapidly.
Orooa sprang out of the thicket almost immediately.
I heard everything!
Traor is a mistrustful leader, but he is loyal!
Page Seventeen:
He believes Rahan.
But how could Rahan catch enough birds to feed our entire clan!
This is impossible!
The son of Crao reflected while observing the seagulls returning to the rock.
And, as always, an association of ideas took place in his mind.
He suddenly remembered the storm.
The great web of skins fell on him, enveloping him in a trap, which hindered his movements.
Rahan has found it!
He knows how to capture birds without approaching them!
Without scaring them away!
Orooa must have thought he was losing his mind because she suddenly fled.
Rahan rushed towards the shore where he had abandoned his skins and his fish trap.
Page Eighteen:
He returned to the rock of seagulls.
Shortly after, the clan alerted by Orooa, saw all of his actions.
He was seen cutting and tying branches.
Then, stretching the large sewn skins over these.
Another branch maintained this curious trap.
He tied a long vine to this support and left some fish that he had found on the rock.
He went to lie in ambush in the thickets.
A flock of screaming seagulls descended almost immediately, fighting over the fish.
The attentive clan observed everything.
Pulling on the vine, the son of Crao removed the support.
And his trap suddenly fell on the Birds!
Page Nineteen:
And although a few of these did escape, almost all of them remained captive under the heavy skins!
Enthusiastic cries arose.
And the clan emerged with Arturk and Traor at the head.
Rahan did not lie!
He can catch more fish than Arturk and catch more birds than Traor!
Rahan alone could feed the whole clan!
We ask him to stay among us, to teach us his marvelous secrets!
Once again, the son of Crao had managed to gain the trust of "Those-who-walk-upright".
Arturk and Traor are good chiefs! Let them stay that way!
But Rahan thinks that they should dare to abandon this land where the "Craaks" and the "Long-armed Monsters" roam!
Page Twenty:
There are, beyond the great river, territories where we live not only on fish and birds!
On earth were all “Those-who-walk-upright” live happily!
As the days pass, the son of Crao convinced the clan of the lost island.
Orooa was his main ally.
Look! My brothers follow your advice!
Rahan had taught the men how to put the logs together, and on the shore a large skiff was taking shape.
We are only three times the fingers of both hands.
This raft will support us!
And, one morning, the raft reached the open sea.
Men saw this island disappear where, since their fathers' fathers' fathers died and failed, they had lived so miserably.
The grand river was certainly immense.
But Rahan knew that he always ended up discovering a new land!
And if the son of Crao smiles at Orooa, it is because in this struggle for life, he never lost confidence.
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