Pastor Gary Hamrick - Cornerstone Chapel - Israel, Hamas, and End Times | Ezekiel 38 - October 18, 2023

1 year ago

In light of the war between Israel and Hamas, Pastor Gary Hamrick presents a Biblical perspective of the events. Who/What is Hamas? Why are they so intent on destroying Israel? Who are the Palestinians and why do many of them think of the Jews as “occupiers” and “colonialists”? And do these current events point to any particular Bible prophecy about the End Times? Pastor Gary answers these questions and more in today’s teaching entitled, “Israel, Hamas, and End Times.”

5 Questions to answer about Hamas:
1) Who/What is Hamas?
2) Why is Hamas so intent on destroying Israel and the Jewish people?
3) What is the history of the Palestinians and the land of Israel?
4) Why are so many American youth and young adults supporting the Palestinian cause today?
5) How might any of this fit into Bible prophecy about the End Times?

#Cornerstonechapel #GaryHamrick #CalvaryChapel


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