Acts 23 The Second Missionary Journey Corinth, the Third Missionary Journey Ephesus Acts 18:1-19:20

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SBC Family Near and Far,

I will give an Israel update tonight.

Now that we've finished 1 and 2 Thessalonians, we will go back to Acts 18 and pick up at Corinth where Paul wrote those letters from. This will provide the background for Paul's tumultuous relationship with the 'carnal Corinthians'. He was there for a year and a half, then returned to Antioch in Syria, and after a little while set out on his third missionary journey where he ended up in Ephesus for three years. While there he wrote several letters to the Corinthians. In all he actually writes four letters to them. The first is known as the previous letter, the second is 1 Corinthians, the third is the severe letter, and the fourth is 2 Corinthians. Only two of these letters were inspired and therefore captured in the canon of Scripture. It is going to be an interesting journey with the Corinthians. The place was the San Francisco of the ancient world. Get ready for the ride of your life. There are several keys from the culture of Corinth that are necessary to interpret this book correctly. So, after we finish Acts 18:1-19:20, we will go to 1 Corinthians. Since it's his third missionary journey, he wrote three books; 1 and 2 Corinthians, and Romans. These are the three longest books that Paul wrote. Evidently he had a lot to say.

I look forward to seeing you tonight. Acts is a fun narrative and super-interesting.

See the attachment. I don't think we will get through all this!

Grace to you,


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