Out Of The Blank #1515 - Gary Fannin

1 year ago

Gary Fannin is a author and political assassination researcher who has written extensively on the JFK and RFK assassination. Gary recently authored the book "Operation Mockingbird 'the CIA's Role in Media Misinformation'" which shows the CIA's role in media misinformation. This book covers the lies of the major events of the 20th and 21st Century. FDR/Pearl Harbor, Marilyn Monroe's Death, The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, Malcolm X Death, Dorothy Kilgallen's Death, Martin Luther King's Assassination, Hale Boggs Plane crash, death and disappearance, The attempted assassination of President's Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, The Atlanta Child Murders, Iran-Contra/Barry Seal, John F. Kennedy Jr.'s Plane crash and death, and Princess Diana. All stories that the media through CIA manipulation has lied to the American public about the true facts regarding these crimes, deaths.

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