Exodus 15:1-27, October 15, 2023, The Jews Praise God for Their Deliverance from the Egyptians

1 year ago

Exodus 15:1-27, The Jews Praise God for Their Deliverance from the Egyptians
October 15, 2023, S-1562-KL
Exodus 15 begins with the Israelites singing songs of praise to the Lord for their miraculous deliverance them from slavery in Egypt and concludes, three days later, with these same people complaining to Moses about the lack of drinking water. The bitter waters of Marah was the third of God’s ten wilderness tests, all designed to train the Israelites to trust Him for all their needs, in all their circumstances.
Pastor Kevin shows the parallels between God’s physical deliverance of the ancient Israelites from slavery in Egypt and the spiritual deliverance from the slavery of sin that believers receive through faith in Jesus’ miraculous redemptive act on the cross 1500 years later. We also look at examples from Scripture and modern history in which God again acted miraculously to preserve His witness people, the Jews. Pastor Kevin shows how past conflicts between Israel and her enemies foreshadowed future wars, including the current war between Israel and Hamas, which could erupt any moment into the horrific war described Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17. Believers today may well experience hardship because of these wars, and Pastor Kevin exhorts us to trust God no matter what comes. We know God wins!
Associated notes and links are at calvarypo.org under Sermon Archives, Exodus, https://calvarypo.org/sermons/the-jews-praise-god-for-their-deliverance-from-the-egyptians-exodus-151-27/

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