The Power of your Question

1 year ago

In this September 8th 2023 edition of "Tune In with Tony", a message from spirit is about "The Power of your Question" Information and meditation on a technique to enhance your ability to ask better questions to get different answers. This includes letting go of questions you were afraid to ask such as "Does he love me? Tony gives many examples of the benefits of being a better question maker.

Meditation only podcast channel with Tony and his Tuning Forks:

The Mountain Meditation which you can use to improve your ability to stand strong, never waiver and let go easily. Listening to this meditation in audio podcast form:

Please do not operate heavy machinery, drive, ride, or do activity while the podcast is on as it will alter your state in a more meditative state of receiving. This is not a background soundtrack while you are doing housework, reading, or any other activity. You need to place yourself in receiving mode and take it in so you can let something out. Enjoy!

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Tony Gyenis conducts free weekly on-line Tuning Fork meditation on Fridays at 1:30pm ET called "Tune In with Tony". Check it out and join his class on ZOOM if you are looking for on-going insight to help you through these difficult times.

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