It Gets Harder & Harder Everyday To Maintain Love for SWGOH | Here’s Reason Why #1

1 year ago

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes USED to be a pretty awesome game. There were always metas, but they were designed with F2P in mind, so it was very reasonable to expect that you could get there someday. Since the game was so F2P centric in the beginning, events and other game modes kept that in mind, so the stronger you became, the easier the event was.

Now enter the whales (and eventual Krakens): they changed all this. CG started making a ridiculous amount of money just from a stupid freemium mobile game so OF COURSE they wanted to keep that momentum going. But to keep that cash flow, they needed to start appealing to the 10% of players and forget about the rest.

Now bring it to today. With all of the shit CG does and how little they care about the average player anymore, it makes it extremely challenging to have any love for the game as a F2P player. In order to be in the meta, you need to have R9 characters, you need to have the latest GL and you need to be in a super OP guild. None of this is very realistic anymore for casual, free players. Additionally, their game modes have scaled to match all of this, one such game mode now being affected called Galactic Challenges.

Galactic Challenges WERE a pointless game mode created by CG just to have some filler content for when nothing big was happening (TB/TW, GA, or other). It was also an opportunity for a half-assed sandbox mode where players could try out different squads versus whatever the opponent squad was set as. But over time, OF COURSE CG had to ruin that, and now in this latest installment, we are seeing GL’s on the opposing team. Again, just pandering to whales who have a full roster of R9 units and every GL but with nothing to do with them.

I really hate this game. This channel that I created is the ONLY reason I continue to play, because I sure do NOT feel any enjoyment any longer while I am playing. Now-a-days, playing this piece of shit just feels like a chore or an obligation, it’s not something I do because it’s exciting. Fuck you CG. I hope you go the way of DC Legends soon, because that is what YOU deserve (not DC Legends, they at least were pretty awesome to their players and community, unlike CG who’s just greedy as hell).

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