FENBENDAZOLE Protocol for CANCER Explained

1 year ago

In this video, I detail Joe Tippen's Fenbendazole Protocol for fighting cancer.
Fenbendazole is a de-worming medication used for killing parasites in animals. It is also promising for killing cancer cells and helping people with cancer live longer, even achieve complete long-term remission.

I am not an affiliate for https://ultrabotanica.com/collections/onco-adjunct
(This is where Joe recommends sourcing the supplements. He is also not an affiliate.)

In this video we discuss Joe Tippen's Protocol found at mycancerstory.rocks & Jane McLlelend's protocol found in her book (Amazon or her website) and course, "How to Starve Cancer and then kill it with Ferroptosis" - https://how-to-starve-cancer.teachable.com/?affcode=748639_zxi8sru6
(Once you join the course or buy the book you will have access to the private Facebook group and virtual support groups for Jane's protocol)

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Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ana.maria.fl/
Email: anascancerjourney@gmail.com
(I am unable to respond to every email, but please don't hesitate to write.)

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