Newt Gingrich | Fox News Channel's Hannity | October 17 2023

1 year ago


Well, I hope that the reason President Biden sent two nuclear carrier battle groups, which is an enormous amount of combat power into the Asian Mediterranean, is to make clear that if Hezbollah attacks Israel, that they will be annihilated. And I would hope that we're communicating the same thing to Iran. If this becomes people need to remember if this became an existential fight for the survival of Israel. Israel has nuclear weapons. Israel is not going to peacefully accept a second Holocaust. And so folks in Iran are playing with very dangerous circumstances in terms of what's going on. I would hope the United States will make very clear that if we had to reluctantly, but we would ensure that a northern front never developed and that Hezbollah was annihilated, which we have the capacity to do in those two two nuclear carriers.


The thing that worries me.


Now, that is the second thing I was going to get to. And the first thing is. They have sent two carrier battle groups. Biden has said clearly over and over, do not do this. In terms of Hezbollah and Iran. Now, at some point, you'll get to a point where either he either acts or he looks like a total, complete fool. And I think at that point he will not have much choice in terms of the meeting. I'm worried about the meeting tomorrow, today in Israel, because I think the Israelis have to be reassured that whatever steps are necessary to eliminate Hamas, the United States will support. Not this do as much as you can while being reasonable. If Hamas is still around a year from now, Israel would have been defeated and the United States will have been defeated. So this is the moment to calmly and methodically eliminate Hamas as a system to do whatever it takes to achieve that. And I am totally in favor of the Israelis being very calm, very methodical, very deliberate. But getting the job done. And I hope that Biden is not going to suggest to them that they do anything less than the complete destruction of Hamas.


No, look, I think if Jim Jordan, if he has a chance tomorrow, if they vote tomorrow, if he can get the 217 votes, I am all for him. I think he's a smart guy. I think he's a very solid conservative. I think he's reached out and tried to become a very broad leader in a way that he could be. I think, a very strong speaker of the House. The point I made in my newsletter, which is coming out of Gingrich360 tonight, is we're pretty straightforward. If Jordan can't win and if Scalise can't win, then first of all, the people you should really blame are the eight Republicans who are Benedict Arnolds, who are traitors, who join with the Democrats to cause total chaos with no idea what was going to come next. Those people, those eight people didn't have a clue what they were unleashing, and they had no plan for how to put it back together. And now they've legitimized if they get to be idiots, everybody else gets to be an idiot. And suddenly you have a party looking at each other, yelling at each other and being pretty angry about the state they're in. The only argument I think, for McHenry is if you cannot get an agreement tomorrow in Jordan, the world is moving, as we just talked about, Israel's in a big war. Ukraine is in a war. China is on offense.


Well. Well, if I thought that would work, I would be for 15 votes. I'd be for 15 votes, frankly, to bring McCarthy back. The fact is, I have no faith that you can put this together right now. Now again, if I'm all for Jordan having an opportunity tomorrow, I hope he can win. I'd much rather have a new speaker than have a speaker pro-tem. But I wrote my newsletter on the grounds that my hunch is the 200 votes is about what he's going to get. 200 votes is much higher than Scalise got and Scalise was the majority leader. And my sense from talking to people in the House tonight is that in a next vote, he might actually get fewer, not more votes. If that happens, we can't sit around and suck our thumbs and hope the world will wait until the House Republicans get their act together. You're every day we're closer to the end of the continuing resolution. Every day we're closer to a huge aid package for for Israel that has to be passed. Every day we are failing to do the investigations we need to be doing. And so if in a worst case, I think we've had our two best shots, Scalise and Jordan, if Jordan can win, I am totally for him. This is not to undercut them. And Jim is a good guy. He's a very competitive guy as you know. He's 156 to 1 in high school wrestling. He was twice the NCAA wrestling champion for the country. He's a very competitive, very smart guy. But I also understand numbers. And if and I quit because I had 19 guys who thought that balancing the budget, reforming welfare, cutting taxes wasn't enough, I wasn't conservative enough for them. So I understand how this game is played. I'm just saying it's a numbers game given the current narrow Republican majority. Unless they can get in a room and get everybody to agree. And frankly, there are a lot of people who are relatively normal who are now so angry at the eight guys who betrayed them that it's very hard for them to have a rational conversation. And my only point is maybe you need a couple of months of just getting business done, being calm having an interim caretaker and understanding maybe by January you're going to have a rational decision.


But doing it is a no. You're right. This is a sign of weakness, not strength. It's a sign of immaturity. It's a sign of what happens when you have eight traitors sitting in the middle of your group. And nobody's been able to figure out a solution. I'm just suggesting maybe time out in a few months to calm down is the only way forward. Not the best way. The only way.

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