We shouldn’t force our dogs to be engaged in our lifestyle

1 year ago

We can’t expect our dogs to love everything and everyone. We can expect them to tolerate the things that are necessary in their life and set rules and boundaries with them to keep them from displaying dangerous behavior. BUT, when it comes to your dog enjoying and interacting with guests, it’s not a necessity. At times we can selfishly try to force our dogs to be engaged in our lifestyle. However, if our dog chooses to create space or remove themself from an environment that could overwhelm them (in a safe way), that isn’t a problem! That is the dog making a good choice. Some dogs will never be the kind of dogs who love engaging with snd entertaining people when they come to your home, and that is okay. And trying to force them to be that way won’t do any real good for them either.

The rest of Ep.35 is available now on our YouTube channel

#socialization #dogsocialization #dogsandguests #doglifestyle

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