Bullying in Nebraska - Nebraska Health Emergency Alert

1 year ago

Bullying in Nebraska! The Lying fat frauds at the Nebraska DHHS posted an emergency message on socials about the bullying epidemic in Nebraska! Do you know the signs of bullying? They are changes in appetite, frequent headaches, missing belongings, difficulty sleeping, poor grades, and not wanting to go to indoctrination camp. Once a child knows what bullying looks like they can identify it and the abusive lying fat frauds that perpetuate this abuse.

#nebraska #bullying #alert #omaha #lincoln #emergency #Nebraskadhhs #health #healthdepartment #masks #maskup #maskmandate #kidsmask #maskup #maskupmetro #maskupnebraska #kidsmask #bigredresponsible #maskssave #healthprofessional #medicalprofessional #vistomaha #shareomaha #givingtuesday402 #medicated #indoctrination #obey

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