3 Signs From Your Body You’ve Got Unresolved Emotional Crisis

1 year ago

Understanding that we are LIGHT is not some intangible, ethereal wish… it’s FACTS!

All IN-sight, IN-formation, IN-tuition and IN-spiration are IN-side experiences

It’s right there in the word, babe! You are your solution.

I get that we’ve been programmed to beLIEve that the solution is somewhere “out there”… sending us on a perpetual wild goose chase of finding the solution somewhere outside of us.

Of course there are things here to assist us in actualizing ourselves, and all the answers regarding what those things are and what steps to take next, are found with-IN.

Body Language is your very practical solution to interpreting the messages from your Soul because it is a consistent and universal language based on understanding how your energy in motion (e-motion) has shaped you.

It's not your woowoo, let me catch a random psychic wave in the ethereal realms from the Galctic Federation and Micheal the Archangel

It's literally building a vocabulary based on understanding how all human energy flows through the chakras and right/left brain function, AND how life’s experiences and e-motions felt affect our energy flow which then affects how we get shaped

Learning your Body’s Language is like going from using a computer to type up documents and send emails, and then upgrading to being able to operate a quantum computer and do quantum shit!.

YOU are the magic, the guru, the savior, the one you’ve been waiting for

And you feel that truth in the depths of your Soul regardless of how dark life is because that’s who the fuck we actually are.

We are LOVE longing to be reconciled to our own LOVE.

And that, my love, is what your Soul dances to and guides you into.

No more letting the bullshit of the world push your buttons, take back your power and learn to push your Body’s own “buttons” and function like you were always intended to function:


#DeepDiveOnly #DeepDive #SpiritualMaturity #SpiritualEmbodiment #Embodiment #BodyLanguage #SacredBodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #Emotions #EnergyInMotion #Love #LoveLanguage #Communication #CommunicationSkills #ConsciousCommunication #SoulSpeak #Psychosomatic #BodyMindMedicine

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