~Gang Stalking Is Done By Criminals~

1 year ago


You can hear the world famous pegleg gang stalker extroidinaire talking as the helicopoer is overhead, he has died but his gang stalking fiend shows up at the same laundrymat in a blue subaru occasionally. A former neighbor reminded me how pegleg used to whisper through the wall: I will kill you; so much more! It cannot be true because it did not happen to you and you did not see it on Cia TV. Most people do not know that the Cia sells the narcotics to street GANGS; hence the word Gang stalking.

Many many years ago travelled to the south part of town to go hiking, big homes on acreage, as I was standing at the trailhead a man came down the road above and parked his truck behind some brush and watched me, stasi bitch, another jacked up truck came up the road and turned around.

I Did NOT start wars based on Lies; the Bush family did.

Quite often I will open the front door at 3 am to look outside, as many as 8 homeless druggies across the street living in their cars and on the grass and the rocks, the neighbor next door quite often does the same, loudly, the perp two doors down was cussing earlier, it is not quite 3 am yet. I HAVE seen gang stalkers handcuffed and arrested several times. You may not believe me because you did not see it on Cia TV. You would tell me to move, but of course the gang stalkers move around you, there are tens of thousands of web pages , thousands of videos, hundreds of books about this, do you really think that tens of thousands of people are lying about their experiences?

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