The History of the 'Spear of Destiny'

1 year ago

The "Spear of Destiny" was used by the Roman Centurion Longinus during the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ to pierce Jesus's side and hasten His death. According to legend, whosoever held the spear controlled the fate of the world. It was later wielded by St. Maurice.

What is the spear of destiny?

The Holy Lance, also known as the Lance of Longinus, the Spear of Destiny, or the Holy Spear, is the lance that pierced the side of Jesus as he hung on the cross during his crucifixion.

Where is the Spear of Destiny right now?

Also known as the Lance of St. Maurice, this relic has been used in coronation ceremonies. The final relic is preserved in Vagharshapat, Armenia, and legend holds that it was brought by St. Jude the Apostle.

What powers does the Spear of Destiny have?

The Spear of Destiny is one of the Thirteen Artifacts and was once used by the Roman Longinus to pierce the side of Jesus Christ as He hung on the cross. The Spear has the power of foresight and wielding it, one can channel their power through it and destroy demons and beings of a magical nature.

Who used the Spear of Destiny?

The "Spear of Destiny" was used by the Roman Centurion Longinus during the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ to pierce Jesus's side and hasten His death. According to legend, whosoever held the spear controlled the fate of the world. It was later wielded by St. Maurice.

What is the myth of the Spear of Destiny?

A legendary Christian relic, the Spear of Longinus, identified in folklore with the spear that pierced the side of Christ (John 19:34) nearly two thousand years ago.

Occult legend states that whoever claims this spear and understands its occult significance holds the destiny of the world in his hands.
Hitlers obsession was fulfilled when the Nazi’s annexed Austria in 1938 and he acquired the very same spear, it was kept at St.Katherine’s church in Nuremberg but was soon moved to an underground bunker for saver keeping.

On April 30th 1945 the allies retrieved what Hitler believed to be the Spear of Destiny and Hitler was found dead in his bunker soon after.

It is written that anyone who possess the spear and then looses it it will die, a myth?, old wife’s tail?, a curse?, I will leave the validity of this fatal myth to your own conclusions, however, if you check the history of those who have possessed the spear you will find that they all died soon after it left them.

In 2003 the BBC produced a special documentary entitled”The Spear of Jesus”, it was examined by Dr.Robert Feather, Archaeologist/Metallurgist, who’s background can be found at:

The spear was dated as part of the program and found to be from the 7th century, Roman times.

There are other spears or parts there of but none of these date back to the correct century either.

As for the mythical powers of the Spear Of Destiny, again this can only be left to individual conclusions, but one thing is certain and that was the obsession Hitler had with religious artefacts and his lust for power.

The current location of the Spear Of destiny (Vienna Lance) is Imperial Palace Museum, Vienna,

Open: Daily except Tuesday 09.00 – 17.30 Admission: 12.00 euro

I viewed the Vienna lance at in a museum in Aachen, Germany back in the early 80’s whilst on a trip to Europe, unfortunately all photos are lost, sorry. it was certainly a great pleasure to see it as several weeks prior to the trip I had read the book “The Spear of Destiny” by Trevor Ravenscroft. The book can be found here by clicking on the book below:

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