Bullying within the Chinese Communist Army。中共军队内部霸凌

1 year ago

A mother reported in Bilibili by name that there was bullying in the military, and that her own child was subjected to prolonged beatings and abusive mistreatment by officers during his enlistment in the military after graduating from college. Twice he committed suicide and twice he was hospitalized, and finally he was driven crazy and admitted to a mental hospital.2023/10/16 10月16日,一名母亲在Bilibili实名举报军队中存在霸凌现象,自己孩子大学毕业后参军期间遭遇军官长期的殴打和凌辱虐待。两次自杀两次住院,最后被逼疯,住入了精神病院。

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