POLITICS is a LIE!! Vote SPORTS to END WARS!! #israelhamaswar #sportsnews #bible #news #shorts

1 year ago

POLITICS is a LIE!! Vote SPORTS to END WARS!! #israelhamaswar #sportsnews #bible #news #shorts

Sports investing not Trump or Biden will stop the Israel Hamas war. A bold new financial invention, given directly by God to a computer nerd 20 years ago, that allows sports fans to invest in the performance of their favorite teams will create The New Sports Economy, a paradigm shift for the world. By allowing global sports fans to seize political, economic, social and spiritual power from the evildoers, a new engine for prosperity balances the scales for the first time in history.

VOTE for SPORTS not TRUMP or BIDEN to STOP the WARS! #israelhamaswar #sportsnews #bible #news #israelpalestineconflict

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth...

God + Sports + Money = The God Ball

Radio coming soon... are you tuned in? Are you chosen?

We are in the New Age of Noah. There are only two paths and one correct option. This is a Declaration of the Final Holy War. Good versus evil. Make no mistake. This mission is twofold. First, save as many souls for Jesus Christ as possible. Second, work to raise everyone above the poverty line building from the ground up. Please join us and tell your friends and family. Time is almost up. The clock is ticking. Wake up! Which side of eternity are you on? Let’s talk about it @ TheGodBall.com.

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