WAKE UP 9/11 - "SATURDAY WAS A SPECIAL DAY INDEED" - 17th October 2023

1 year ago

In this video I talk about the invasion of Gaza, where people are being massacred in an evil plot to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians under the guise of a false flag. They are bombing schools, hospitals, neighbourhoods, and 300,000 troops went in on Saturday. They cut off the power and the water. This is abominable. The nations' leaders stand with Israel because they are part of the New World Order, and people won't stand for this attrocity. Mark my words this is the lynch pin for Albert Pike's third world war coming to fruititon. Read the synopsis of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of ZION, and Albert Pike's third world war. And read Revelations which talks about the red Horse that sows the seeds of division. These are PERILOUS Times. WAKE UP and SNAP OUT OF IT! SHOW YOUR DISGUST AND SAY IT LOUD!!!!

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