Dismantling Autoimmunity

1 year ago

In a world where we're often told our bodies are flawed, and that we must intervene at every turn to fix what's not broken, it's time to challenge the status quo. Dismantle the complex world of autoimmunity and everything you were told about your body's innate healing capabilities.

Autoimmunity, the body “attacking” its own tissues, is a topic that's been shrouded in mystery and misconceptions for too long. These antibodies, once unleashed, begin to cross-react with our healthy tissues, blurring the line between self and danger. This overstimulation of the immune system and production of excessive antibodies, can be halted.

But is it really the body that's at fault, or have we been looking at it all wrong? The all-too-common narrative of "no cure" and a lifetime of treatments that either suppress symptoms or hijack our immune response, are not your only option. You'll be amazed to find that it's not your body making mistakes; rather, it's the cause-and-effect relationship that never fails.

0:30- Disclaimer
1:07- What is Autoimmunity?
2:00- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Conventional Approach
3:19- Rheumatoid Arthritis Conventional Approach Discrepancy
4:55- The Solution
5:05- Gut Structure, Composition, and Function
5:58- Celiac Disease
7:30- Gut Healing
8:58- Environmental Triggers
10:08- Endocrine Disruption
11:08- Vaccines and Autoimmunity ‘ASIA’- Autoimmune Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants
11:35- Humoral vs Cell-Mediated Immune Responses
12:04- Symptom Expression
12:54- Symptom Suppression
15:00- Oral Tolerance Therapy
15:32- Multiple Sclerosis
15:55- Rheumatoid Arthritis
16:23- How to Find the Highest-Quality, Toxin-Free Food: www.miakapro.com/masterclass/

I am very selective with the brands I choose to work with to promote. I have a strong stance against any supplements – hence why you will never see me promote them.

I have researched these products and this led me to trusting them 110% for my own personal use. If you have any brand requests for me to look over and inspect, feel free to DM me on Instagram.

BONE BROTH: Glyphosate-free, regenerative agriculture – Use MIAKAPRO to save 20% on orders +$20: https://get.aspr.app/SH98N

COFFEE: glyphosate-free, certified organic and third-party tested free of pesticides and other contaminants, mycotoxin-free, and many more standards. Use MIAKAPRO to save 20% on your first order: https://puritycoffee.com/?rfsn=7448832.b75852

TALLOW SKINCARRE: Natural skincare, no endocrine disruptors. My favorite is The Signature Tallow Balm (Unscented). Use MIAKAPRO to save 10%: https://basedbalm.com/?ref=fonbce6z

FERMENTATION CULTURES: Shop kefir grains, yogurt starters, cheese making, lactoferments, and more. Use MIA15 to save 15%: https://culturesforhealth.com/miakapro

Disclaimer – I am not a medical doctor or nutritionist, so please be sure to check with your obese doctor and malnourished nutritionist if eating the foods humans have eaten for all of time is right for you, or if you are better off sticking to the industrial sludge which sponsors them.

Many thanks to you for your support.

Website- www.miakapro.com
Instagram- www.instagram.com/miakapro/
X- www.x.com/mmiakapro/

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