Operation Phoenix has begun - (in HD) Emergency broadcast for the EBS broadcast

1 year ago

Operation Phoenix has begun - Emergency broadcast for the EBS broadcast starting what I saw in 1989..Operation Phoenix has begun

I rushed this to get it out ..the info is the important part..I cover psychotronics and what I saw in 1989..part 6 will be coming soon. This is all about what possibly could happen or start happening tomorrow.

Links for ebs video
Dr. Lee Merritt - The Medical Rebel

Doc Pete Chambers

Psychotronics: https://rumble.com/v2rutag-psychotronics-1985-antony-sutton.html

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Also please watch this movie about the importance now of the Jewish Wedding Feast..I actually have taught on this https://youtu.be/DoLnzn4DaY0?si=HsJoz7vZ0pQVqBAq
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