Shadow Chasing Show - Between 2 Worlds Radio with host Derrick Whiteskycloud 17-10-2023

1 year ago

Shadow Chasing Show - Between 2 Worlds Radio with host Derrick Whiteskycloud 17-10-2023. World News & Reviews FOOD FOR THOUGHTS? WTF Chile Fact Checkers says the ECLIPSE wasn't real? M.E.D.I.A. meaning Most Effect Demons in America? GOD'S KINGDOM? Is it GOD'S KING DOME does this mean it really is a flat earth...are we under the DOME? YOUTUBE & FACEBOOK ALGARYTHYM WHY? WHY? WHY? Are we being staulked...isn't that against the LAW? IS the CIA involved to see every move & speech we make...Is PM Trudeau afraid that we are exposing all of that why they passed a rule that we are not supposed to share MEDIA EDITORIALS FROM PARLIAMENT...but we are getting the shaft & the government is caving in! Why is every Cathedral have a DOME & why is it a healing place before it was a Church? Does it relate to flat earth theory & it was used as free energy centers...crosses also included? Julian or Gregorian Calendar WHICH ONE TO FOLLOW? plus more...

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