Homeless Camp Burns Near Las Vegas Strip

1 year ago

Did you observe smoke in the vicinity of the Strip? Authorities described the smoke as 'impressive,' but clarified that the fire was of a basic nature. On Monday evening, attention was drawn to a fire on the west side of the Las Vegas Strip due to a dense trail of smoke in the air.

The Clark County Fire Department later confirmed that the fire was accidental and categorized it as a "basic outside fire." The incident occurred around 5:33 p.m. in the 4400 block of Harmon Cove Court, near Valley View Boulevard and W. Flamingo Road.

The first-in engine arrived within 5 minutes of receiving calls, and firefighters discovered an outdoor fire next to the railroad tracks. The fire was unintentional, with no reported dollar loss and no injuries to civilians or firefighters. Importantly, there was no damage to the railroad infrastructure.

A total of six engines, one ladder truck, two rescues, and two chief officers responded, totaling 34 personnel. Fire officials noted that while the smoke was the most striking aspect of the incident, overall, it was a basic outdoor fire.

The Clark County Fire Department investigated an unintentional outdoor fire on the west side of the Las Vegas Strip on Monday. The incident, which occurred in the 4400 block of Harmon Cove Court shortly after 5:30 p.m. near Flamingo Road and Arville Street, involved a swift response from six engines, one ladder truck, two rescues, and two chief officers, totaling 34 personnel.

Authorities confirmed that the cause of the outdoor fire was unintentional, with no financial loss reported and no injuries to civilians or firefighters.

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