BLAST EM! (Ukulele Rap) - Rusty Cage

14 years ago

"Blast Em" written by Rusty Cage.
This is a scifi hip hop song I wrote based on the movie 2001 : A Space Odyssey ( Stanley Kubrick ). Not too much longer later I played a ukulele version to which I uploaded to youtube.

I plan on re-recording this song for a full 9+ minute version in the future.

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I am Rusty Cage, a singer/songwriter, satirical comedian, and Ranter. Most people know me from my song "The Knife Game Song", but I also make all kinds of other music and videos, from folk, blues, hip-hop, skits and more. Covers and originals. Visit my channel and give it a listen.

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you gotta blast em eddie when you get in the grove cause you may never know the future all too soon, you gotta blast em eddie when you get in the grove, cause you may never know the future all too soon.

verse I
gimme a stone hieroglyph and imma break it off clean, im like a self automated navigation machine, red light flashing, a passion for traveling, seatbelts fastened apathetical reverend. Arrival at last but you may never know the how my friend sit back laughing, Afrin to the head again. in a year you will awake when you realize your final most fatal mistake, hypogenic enchamberment, human hibernation, relying on a robot to control the operation, the silence is terror, a systematical error, you find yourself looking in your own immaculate mirror. Yeah, youre a trooper they say, can you imagine the reaction when youre turning away. now you may stay calm and keep a level head highly qualified mechanic as the chronicle said, steady breathing heavy when you realize that you blew it, "Open the pod bay doors hal" Im afraid I can do it. Cause mutiny aint an option in the voids of space you have efficiency, perfection, human error erase.


verse II
Captains log, i think the year is now 2001, I got a feeling like the ship is headed into the sun, i lost control of the gun and i am soon to be become a ghost, i find there's no where to run where i will be safest the most. my name is david bowman and partner frank poole, understanding now that HAL is just an artificial fool. And somewhere in the wiring the circuitry slips, all while Im busy running laps around the circular ship, now me and frank to god we thank for being awaken at all, as for the rest of all the crewman they will die in their stall. as we enter in the navigation pod that is near us, franky turns to me and says "hey yo, you think he can hear us? I think we got a problem and he lets out a sigh, so are we gonna wait around inside the ship till we die?" first things first we gotta fix communication repair the AE unit that connects us with the station, poor frank was just a victim to a ship with no soul, i wonder if I'll ever get ourselves back in control. messing with the memory and righting the wrong, hall responds to me and says he wants to sing me a song


Daisy, daisy, give me your answer do, Im half crazy all for the love of you
it wont be a stylish marriage, I cant afford a carriage, but you look so sweet, upon the seat of a bicycle made for two.

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