Walmart Seller Event Updates, Common Issues, & PPC Tips | SSP #492

11 months ago

Ready to catapult your Walmart selling journey to a whole new level of success? For today’s special Walmart Wednesday episode, buckle up for an exciting chat where our host, Carrie Miller, sheds light on the latest developments that were revealed during the recent Walmart conference. You’ll discover how the launch of new international marketplaces like Chile, same-day pickup, brand stores, and more, could potentially revolutionize your E-commerce business in Additionally, we’ll tackle the complexities of COMP errors, and most importantly, how to fix them – a game-changer for every Walmart seller!

Shifting gears, we delve into the art of optimizing pay-per-click advertising on Walmart. Strategies revolve around using Helium 10’s Cerebro for Walmart, listing optimization, grouping keywords into campaigns, and using attributes effectively. Can’t wrap your head around it? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Listen in as we break down these concepts and tips on finding the right keywords, and using Cerebro to save on advertising costs. These concepts are helpful if you’re selling on and if you’re brand is on Walmart WFS. Now is the time to sell on! Are you ready to take your selling journey to dizzying new heights? Let’s get started!

In episode 492 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Carrie talks about:

01:14 – Updates From The First-Ever Walmart Conference
01:57 – New International Walmart Marketplaces
02:08 – Walmart Brand Stores
02:42 – Same-Day Pick up
04:21 – Add Credit Or Debit Cards For Walmart Ads Payment
05:10 – Common Issues On Right Now
05:23 – Navigating Through Walmart’s COMP Errors
11:19 – Finding Keywords For Your Walmart PPC Campaigns
16:20 – PPC Ads In Walmart Is Important

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