1 year ago


Charity will save us!!! The U.S. government (Federal/State/Local level combined) gives a trillion dollars a year to it's citizens in the form of charity (welfare). That same government gives a trillion dollars a year to foreign governments which in turn give that money to the corrupt members of their society.
The private sector in the USA gives a trillion dollars a year to charities at home and abroad.
Not one penny of charity has made the world better. The only thing that has ever helped any individual or nation ... SELF RELIANCE.
That truth is carved into objective reality. If someone or some nation acquires something thru charity, they will not treasure it and that thing will slip away or be discarded.
You know where Covid-1984 came from? The charitable inclinations of evil bureaucrats in the USA.
The most charitable people on earth, are the ones who have stolen the most. Think about it.

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