Baby Says All The Right Arguments When Mom Forgets To Put Food In His Mouth

7 years ago

Hearing your baby talk for the first time, even if it is just mumbo jumbo, really makes for an event. You want for them to say something since you first laid eyes on them. But words don't come as quick as we would want them from our babies mouths; no, at first, it is the mumbling. They open their mouth with the desire to make something known, but nothing comes out other than bubbling sounds and the occasional “mama” or “dada”.

This kid, however, is quite a talker! Who knows what he is actually trying to say but one thing is for sure, he isn't going to stop until his demands are met. Mom seems to know what she’s got on her hands, so every time that tiny politician starts X, she pops a bite in his mouth.

That calms him down for a bit, then he starts all over again. Looks like these parents have a funny little boss baby on their hands. Who can blame the kid, he clearly knows what he wants.

We might not be adept enough to understand baby babble language, we can pretty much guess what this feisty little girl is saying to her dad. The problem is, the adorable future lawyer wants to go outside to make a snowman in the cold weather, but her dad doesn't let her. So she has prepared a closing argument and presents it in the most adorable possible way.

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