His Glory News 10-17-23 Edition

11 months ago

His Glory News 10-17-23 Edition

Jordan's Prophecy:

My spirit is about to break forth saith the lord. Do you not hear the wind? It blows with a righteous anger, a gust of Ruah breath that only the heavens could breathe. I come angry. Ready to avenge those who have turned from Me with evil intentions. Their secrets soon to be exposed. Their evil deeds soon to be plucked like weeds and thrown into the fire of Great Harvest. You thought that you could escape in beautiful disguise. Wolves in sheep clothing. But I Am the sheep with shears. And I come to shear the coat of deception. Can you not see it? Can you not feel it? I blow within the mighty winds. I have heard the cries of my children and I have seen what you have done behind closed doors. I the Lord am the Only one who brings that which is behind the door into the purest of lights. Can you not see it? Can you not feel it? I come as a thief in the night because I come when the evil lie peacefully in their deeds. They rule with heavy chains but I rule with an iron scepter. Iron sharpens iron. Do not be afraid, for the angel of death will pass over the doors of my flock. But for the imitators, the mockers and the counterfeit, I come for the firstborn. Not the firstborn as in children, but the first born of evil plans. Whatever has taken root as a result of Satan’s leading, I have come to uproot. Whatever has sprouted forth as a thorn, I have come to replace with wildflowers. Color replaces the colorless. Laughter replaces melancholy. Joy replaces the Mourning. Judgment has had its time and punishment its reign, but just as a parent loves the ones he disciplines, so is my rebuke against my children. There is a time and a season for all things, and ‘it’s the season to be jolly. Those who lead my children astray, it is better that a noose be tied around your neck and you be thrown into the ocean. For angels await at the gates of hell. I am a god of justice and the gavel strikes in the heavens. Pay attention to the thunder, for I thunder at the head of my army. My angels scourge the earth, looking for where to direct my righteous right hand. Who is seated at my right hand? Jesus. Only Jesus. And he comes NOW on the white horse. Fire blazes in his eyes for he has come to bring the sword and repay his people for what they now deserve. His name has spread to every corner of the earth but what about his works? His justice ensures that his works shall begin. Restore the original church. A church without walls. Build the moats and anchor the boats, let all sails catch the WIND. Why does a mighty wind blow and why does a trumpet sound? Let all who have been adrift look to the light and NOW be found. Quickly I will come and quickly I will leave, appearing as only the wind upon the sea. But one thing you should know, that though the waves may break, i the Savior Jesus, had not a need to wake. It wasn’t until the fear of my men, did I stir from my slumber to speak calm to them. So maybe the Answer to Fear’s last Demise, has been from my children, their collected up cries.

You’re going to see some things that confuse you in these next few days. But do not be afraid...things are not as they appear. There is a greater show unfolding. And the only way to win the war is to get raw. I am getting raw with the world. In ways that not even the prophets have yet seen. No one knows what I am about to do...what card I am about to play. I have kept my poker face until now. But now is the time to lay the hand. My heavy hand upon the earth. We are about to enter a new era, and with a new era comes new systems and rulers. I am about to do what no one thought would ever be possible. I am about to do what no one could predict. I have to make a display of my power...one that leaves no doubt of from where it came. The bridegroom returns to her bride...but only to be separate from her. For the wedding feast is not quite here. The preparations still have to be made. The plans still set. Do not be afraid of what you see, for it is all for My glory and My plan. A plan that is above man.

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