Psalm 148 "The LORD of heav’n confess, on high his glory raise." Scottish Psalter. Tune: St John

1 year ago

PSALM 148, second version 6 6 6 6 8 8

1 The LORD of heav’n confess,
On high his glory raise.
2 Him let all angels bless,
Him all his armies praise.
3 Him glorify sun, moon, and stars;
4 Ye higher spheres, and cloudy sky.

5 From GOD your beings are,
Him therefore famous make;
You all created were,
When he the word but spake.
6 And from that place, where fixed you be
By his decree, you cannot pass.

7 Praise GOD from earth below,
Ye dragons, and ye deeps:
8 Fire, hail, clouds, wind, and snow,
Whom in command he keeps.
9 Praise ye his name, hills great and small,
10 Trees low and tall; beasts wild and tame;

All things that creep or fly.
11 Ye kings, ye vulgar throng,
All princes mean or high;
12 Both men and virgins young,
13 Ev’n young and old, exalt his name;
For much his fame should be extolled.

O let GOD’s name be praised
Above both earth and sky;
14 For he his saints hath raised,
And set their horn on high;
Ev’n those that be of Isr’el’s race,
Near to his grace. The LORD praise ye.

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