World of Tanks - AE Phase 1, 9K Damage, 6 Kills, Lakeville (Standard)

1 year ago

The AE Phase I is an American tier 9 premium heavy tank.

Developed from 1951. The advantage of four-track vehicles was the capability to continue moving when two tracks were damaged, as well as to mount a large-diameter turret race ring. After studying the project, Associated Engineers Inc. was requested to develop a second variant with another track drive system, one drive on each side. It existed only in blueprints.

The AE Phase I is the second tier 9 premium tank in the game the (after T-55A). The most distinctive feature of this tank is the four set of separate tracks (two on each sides), which can give you a vibes to certain classic RTS game. Although, despite its description, it only served as a cosmetic purposes.

However, the real "trump card" of AE Phase I is Unlimited (Free) Large Repair Kit consumeables, which is unique among the rank of reward tanks. Which, when combined with powerful gun and extremely strong turret armor, makes the AE Phase I a powerful foe to fight in a tier 9 or even tier 10 matches.

The AE Phase I is a Season 1 Frontline reward tank that can be exchanged with 15 honour points.

Played by: ignasle [BOXIN]

Outro song: OST World of Tanks


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