250 subscriber special (reuploaded)

7 years ago

I had to reupload this video with different due to a copyright strike on the original video
THANK YOU to everyone for subscribing, commenting and liking my videos. You guys have been incredible. I didn't expect such wonderful support and to connect with so many amazing people so quickly. Please don't go away - I am so delighted to have you involved in my channel. I am going to be uploading more and different videos in the coming weeks. This is a preview of what is coming in the next 3 weeks, but I have interesting plans for what is coming after that too.

Special mentions to:
Peyton Productions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGCRXfCfkAJAHU53tv6qrXA
Pug Games: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfutfRl26gq3Th2OZHcFYSg
Lego ww2 Man: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0CzUpuFSEGZOZ4U87sWNow
Dino Lord: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbSAtco_uzcAhFxagqN4Cxg

For our 500 subscriber special we will be giving shout outs for 4 channels. The shout out will get you featured in the video, and I will tell everyone how great your channel is. You will also have your channel link in the video description and on my channel description for a whole month.

How to enter: Subscribe to Gold Puffin. Have you subscriptions shown publicly so that I can see that you've subscribed. I will then check out your channel.

* First subscriber will be awarded to the first channel that subscribed to Gold Puffin which is still subscribed. Who this is will be determined simply by scrolling to the bottom of my subscribers list. Remember, your subscription must be shown publicly!

* Best video will be judged by me and will be the best video that I have seen by any of my subscribers. If you want to make sure I see your best video, send me the link, but even if you don't I'll be looking through my subscribers' channels to find the one I think is the best.

* Best channel will be awarded to the channel that I think is best overall out of all my subscribers.

* Best subscriber will be awarded to the channel who comments the most, likes my videos and who gives really supportive, helpful and constructive comments.

Voices and animation by Gold Puffin
Puffin sounds in intro Ainslie Wood (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpa8C9bn__98YERSrlI51IQ)
Synth in intro by snikpohneb (http://freesound.org/people/snikpohneb/)

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