Michelle Wright, Texas A&M Agrilife of Austin County Interview - 2023 Austin County Fair

1 year ago

Michelle Wright, who represents Texas A&M Agrilife External Services of Austin County, elaborated on her role and the organization's objectives. She has been with the organization in Austin County for 31 years, starting as a free agent in 1992. In 2004, her title changed to "family and community health agent." Her primary duties revolve around health and wellness, including chronic disease management, increasing physical activity, and diabetes education.

At the Austin County Fair, Michelle serves as one of the directors and is responsible for overseeing the home economics exhibits in the expo, ensuring that they're organized and properly displayed. The expo showcases a wide range of items, from quilts to food to plants, allowing for a diverse showcase of talents and interests.

Speaking about Agrilife's broader mission, Michelle stated that their ultimate goal is to help people thrive. Although they function as educators, they don't confine their efforts within classroom walls; instead, they are "educators without walls," teaching anywhere from the back of a truck to a grocery store. The greater AgriLife Agency serves all 254 counties in Texas.

The subjects they cover aren't arbitrarily chosen. Their educational content is research-based and often tailored to the needs and concerns of the community. Through a program called the Texas community futures, community leaders and educators convene to identify pressing issues, vote on them, and prioritize which ones to address.

Michelle also highlighted one of the programs they offer during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which aids women, especially those without insurance or underage, in getting mammograms. The emphasis of the program is not only on providing the service but also on educating women about the importance of early detection.

In summary, Michelle Wright plays a pivotal role in Austin County's community development through health education and awareness, always aiming to help individuals and the community at large thrive.

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