Belly Fat and Insulin Resistance- How Insulin Resistance Makes You Fat

1 year ago

Your thyroid is an essential part of your metabolic function, supporting your body’s growth and the way it uses energy. Sometimes, your thyroid doesn’t perform as effectively as it should, producing fewer hormones and leading to a condition known as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism causes belly fat. Insulin is another important hormone that regulates blood sugar levels and helps your body use blood sugar for energy. Insulin resistance is when your cells basically reject insulin, leading to elevated blood sugar levels and higher fat storage. Insulin resistance is common in people with hypothyroidism. Both of these conditions Hypothyroidism and Insulin resistance spells trouble for those suffering with Belly Fat.

What does a hormonal belly look like?
A hormonal belly typically appears as accumulated fat around your waist, typically towards your lower waist. There are a few tell-tale signs that this excess weight is due to hormonal causes:
You’re only gaining weight around your abdomen. Women typically gain weight on their butts, hips and thighs. With a hormonal belly, though, your body redistributes the weight gain and instead concentrates around your middle.
You’re experiencing other signs of menopause. We know that menopause can often bring on weight gain around the abdomen, so if any other signs crop up — like moodiness, anxiety, hot flushes, vaginal dryness, bloating and sleep issues — it could well be that your abdominal weight gain is due to low oestrogen.
You feel stressed all the time. Consistently elevated cortisol levels are often behind excess abdominal fat.
You’re less full after eating and feel constantly hungry. These could be a result of high leptin levels.
You’ve got big sugar cravings. Both leptin resistance and an insulin imbalance can cause you to constantly crave sugar.
Your hair is falling out. Hypothyroidism is one of the causes of unexpected hair loss, but may also come with fatigue, dry skin, constipation and increased temperature sensitivity, among other symptoms.

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