Gita Updesh Episode 2. #JaiShriKrishna

1 year ago

Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita, titled "Gita Updesha," is a profound discourse between Lord Krishna and Prince Arjuna. This chapter delves into the concept of Dharma, the path of righteousness, and the significance of fulfilling one's duties. It addresses themes of duty, selflessness, and the eternal nature of the soul. It offers guidance on how to overcome doubt and delusion, ultimately leading to spiritual realization and inner peace.

#BhagavadGita #GitaUpdesha #Chapter2 #Dharma #Duty #Spirituality #InnerPeace #Selflessness #EternalSoul #LordKrishna #Arjuna #RumbleSpirituality #DivineWisdom #WisdomTeachings #YogaOfKnowledge #SelfRealization #SpiritualGrowth #BhaktiYoga #KarmaYoga #JnanaYoga #DharmaYoga #Transcendence #LifeLessons #VedicWisdom #Mindfulness #Enlightenment #SoulJourney #SelfDiscovery #Meditation #AncientWisdom #EternalTruths #DutyAndResponsibility #MoralGuidance #Philosophy #SpiritualGuidance #HinduPhilosophy #RumbleSpirituality

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