Argentine Tango Lead and Follow -The Tango Code with Todd and Marizabel. Introduction

3 years ago

Argentine Tango Lead and Follow. Learn how to create a precise and clear lead using the the three elements of the core, not just turning of the chest. For a follower to instantly understand how to follow, she needs three specific inputs from the lead, direction, root, and power. Direction is the rotation of the upper torso created by forward rotation from the upper abdominal muscles. Root is created by rotation of the lower torso created by backward rotation from the lower abdominal muscles. This muscle rotation communicates instantly which leg the leader and follower should be rooted on. The third element is power. Power comes from either flexion or extension of the active hip (only one hip is actively leading at a time). Each of these three elements of direction, root, and power is present in every movement of the leader and follower and the specific combinations and their sequencing determines the nature of every step in the tango. When a leader is very clear on all three elements of every lead, it avoid mixed signals which frequently occur when the leader is only thinking about the rotation of the chest as the signal to the follower, or when the leader is just not clear on the pattern of core movement needed to execute a technique properly.

This video is the introduction to a new series I will be doing, detailing the lead and follow techniques for various tango patterns. The techniques are based on The Martin Movement Method, my core movement system that explains how the body can optimally perform most all movements of daily life using the proper coordination of the three elements of the core. I derived this system through analysis of the eight fundamental energies of Tai Chi.

There are 8 unique patterns of core movement. These are determined by the clockwise or counterclockwise rotation of the thoracic spine, clockwise or counterclockwise rotation of the lumbar spine, and the flexion or extension of the hip muscles. Two possible directions of upper torso rotation x two possible directions of lower torso rotation x four options for action=16 unique core patterns, 8 when not including mirror images. We use these patterns subconsciously every day. To lead tango clearly, we need to be able to execute these patterns consciously, or at least through body memory. Most all people learn tango or any other dance through body memory, or repeating a pattern we are taught so many times that it becomes ingrained in our mind and body, even if we do not truly understand it. The Tango Code-Direction, Root, Power gives you the unique opportunity to turn these subconscious movements into full conscious awareness. This is when Tango magic can really begin.

I have many videos detailing the 8 core movement patterns as they relate to walking technique and Tai Chi, so I am not going to repeat these basic lessons for tango. You can begin to learn to techniques, called the Core Techniques, by watching the videos linked below.

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