Unmasking Economic Sabotage: John Perkins Exposes the Tactics of Governments and Corporations

11 months ago

0:00 Introduction
3:03 Perception and the Way it Shapes Our Reality
4:12 Touching the Jaguar
11:04 Economic Hitmen
16:25 Assassination of President Ronald Reagan
22:30 The Short Term Economic Philosophy
29:34 Part of the Problem is Capitalism
34:55 Is the EHM System Turning Against Us?
37:10 Touching The Jaguar: How to Change Your Life

In this eye-opening interview, bestselling author John Perkins discusses the concept of economic warfare and its devastating impact on countries around the world. Drawing from his book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman," Perkins reveals how NGOs, governments, and the military-industrial complex use economics to exploit and destroy other nations. He shares his personal experiences as an economic hitman, where he manipulated leaders to take on massive loans that benefited corporations but left the majority of the population suffering. Perkins also delves into the corrupt relationship between corporations and politicians, highlighting the revolving door that perpetuates corporate interests in government. However, he offers hope for change by emphasizing the power of perception and the need to transition from a death economy to a life economy. By holding corporations accountable and supporting companies that prioritize long-term benefits for people and the environment, individuals can make a significant impact. Don't miss this thought-provoking interview that sheds light on the hidden forces shaping our world today.

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