Smoked Out Nipsey

1 year ago

Nipsey Hustle= 122. Dies 122 in days apart from his Birthday.
Illuminati found on 122nd day. Satanists= 122.

Ermias Joseph Asghedom= Skull and Bones

Nipsey Hustle born on 33rd week of year. Dies at 33.
33 Degrees in Freemasonry.

1754 weeks. Freemasonry found 175th day on 4th week day.

Take all Numbers on Screen add Them up
1+2+2+8+1+3+3+7+1+6+4+3+1+7+5+4+1+2+2+8+2+2+9+4+7+4+4+1+7+6+8+4+6+4+1+6+1+7+8+4+44= 210

Ermias Joseph Asghedom= 210 to #'s

Take all Numbers on Screen and Subtract this time.
1+2+2+8+1+3+3+7+1+6+4+3+1+7+5+4+1+2+2+8+2+2+9+4+7+4+4+1+7+6+8+4+6+4+1+6+1+7+8+4-44= 122.
Nipsey Hustle= 122. Dies
122 in days apart from his Birthday.
Illuminati found on 122nd day.
Satanists= 122.

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