Once in a lifetime opportunity to start with a young 4-5-year-old grass genetic cow/calf herd.

1 year ago

Due to family health issues, the owners have decided to sell their beautiful grass genetic cow/calf herd along with their South Poll bull. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to start with a young 4-5-year-old grass genetic cow/calf herd. You will drive the wheels off your truck before you find a better young South Poll/Cross cow herd. 14 cow/calf pairs along with one of our Green Pastures Farm 2-year-old South Poll bull. Cow/calf herd is being moved every 2 days onto fresh grass with polywire and step-in posts. These cattle are used to people and know the rotation routine very well.
Don't waste 20 years of trying to build a grass genetic cow herd, here they are! Herd is located at Soldier, Kansas.

For more info check out our on-line auction: http://greenpasturesfarm.net/grass-genetic-heifers-cows-and-steers/

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