Are the people on the Pro-Palestine protests believing in a fantasy that will never be a reality?

1 year ago

Are the people on the Pro-Palestine protests believing in a fantasy that will never be a reality?

Hamas one suspects would remove the rights of women of Gaza/Palestine and no doubt kill all the gay and lesbian and trans people.

Rather than Palestine turning into a wonderful place, one suspects the people of Gaza/Palestine would find they are living in a life of hell, and quickly be on the first plane to Australia, Canada, England, France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, USA and so on.

Of course those who are Pro-Palestine should fly over to Gaza/Palestine to held these places out, as that is what you would do, rather than pointlessly march up and down the streets shouting free Palestine for no reason and achieve nothing.

It is strange to me that left wing people who claim to be about being of not hating others are happy to walk and support with people shouting death to all Jews. So too is it strange to see gay and lesbian and trans people support those who want to see them killed.

Film: Palestinians: What do you think of "Queers for Palestine"?

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