Prophetic Word for 10-16-23 The Lord Says - Do Not Resist! Now is the Time! Be Molded O Man!

1 year ago

Hi everyone. Brother Matt back with a message from the Lord given today, October 16, 2023.

Make sure to watch the full video for today as there is a vision that the Lord gave also which I share at the end.

As always please put your prayer requests in the comments and we will pray. Blessings to you!

Transcript: October 16th, 2023

I the Lord
The Great God
Maker of Heaven and Earth
The King above all Kings
The Lord above all Lords
He who assigns the nations
Who sets the times
He who draws the lines
I the Lord will speak
If any of you are wise then heed My word and obey

Now is the time!
Where you will see My hand at work among the nations
And the peoples of the world
Now is the hour!
Have you not seen?
Do you not know?
I am the hand that moves nations to action and sets the path of kings
There are none who can resist My plan
My will will be accomplished on this earth and among all peoples
Wise is the man who submits himself to Me
Therefore I tell you do not resist
But rather be molded o man
As clay in My mighty hand
What good is it for you to continue to resist?
If you would know wisdom then submit your will
your plans your desire to Me
The one who makes the Lord his trust shall never be shaken but will stand on the day of judgement
I will establish all those who make Me their trust
And I manifest Myself to those who love Me and obey My commands

I the Lord am gracious and full of mercy
My love for you my people is unfailing love
Therefore turn your eyes turn your hearts turn your feet towards Me
Walk in My ways and know the comfort of My love
And the security of My hand
I have sent My messengers among the nations
To declare My way My will
To serve as My witnesses in this generation

The hour is late
And the day of My appointment is soon at hand
Listen o you peoples and hear the word of the Lord
For I am coming soon to judge the living and the dead
On that day there will be much weeping and the gnashing of teeth
On that day when the sheep are separated out from among the goats
Therefore o men, I counsel you:
Turn to Me while there is yet time
While the door is open
Repent and Return
Call upon the Mighty Name
The Name which is above all names
He, who is the cornerstone
Call on His name
The Name of Jesus the Nazarene
He who was born of a virgin
He who came from heaven to show you the Way
He who was crucified for your sin
He who was buried in the tomb
He who was raised on the 3rd day
Call on Him and know salvation
Call on Him and know My mercy
And My grace which covers a multitude of sin
It is only by the blood of Jesus
That you may be cleansed and find your entrance
I am calling out to you, o nations, o peoples
Be saved while there is yet time

You who long for peace
Know that there will be no peace apart from Me
This is a time of the sword
And even now the Four go forth among the nations
Riding to and fro
War, Famine, Pestilence, Death have been released upon the earth
I will stir these nations up
I will move them into place
I will shake the foundations of this earth
I will open the gates and set feet to movement
But do not fear my purpose must be accomplished on this earth
No one can restrain my hand
It is for justice sake
My messengers go to and fro
Setting all things at ready
Preparing for the day

Call out the harvesters
For it is the day of harvest
Gather with Me O My people
Gather those who are mine
Though the day approaches, have no fear
I have told you these things
That you will not be unprepared
I have sent you to declare these things as a warning
To all who have ears to hear
I have not hidden Myself
I am not silent
My witnesses are ever before you, o nations
Listen all you who are wise

Come to me, you who are broken
Come to me with your pain
I am He who comforts the hurting and heals the broken hearted
Remain in Me
Draw close to Me
Enter into My embrace o sons, o daughters
Though you are betrayed
And you walk a hard road
You are not alone
I will not leave you
I have not forsaken you
Though you feel forgotten and unseen
I the Lord am He who remembers
I the Lord am He who sees
Draw near to Me
Draw near to Me

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