The one stop engine shop

11 months ago

This video is an introduction and explanation of the primary methods used by the corrupted authoritarian Danish state and its Draconian intelligence agency PET, whom are actually so corrupted that they literally have it, as a continuous objective, to sabotage and destroy my life and small business one stop engine shop, in this video I go through most of the ways, in which they tried to destroy me and my small business everything from the most outrageous and perpetual propaganda and PSYOPS campaigns, to out right running members of public as their de factor proxies, to run sabotage campaigns against my small business, and on top of everything… They probably prohibit 90% of all of my sales from Denmark as hundred percent of all of the sales that I would have from other countries.

All of this is a part of the public social and political persecution of me Stephen Bell, that is the situation that is being used as a pretext and justification to run the global social engineering and intelligence program, in which they use the targeted individual program in public, as a means of normalizing the general public to all of the extrajudicial methods of persecution, not to mention all the technological capabilities that they have, and are using publicly, now more and more in the open.

I am more or less an equivalent to a Palestinian in Gaza meaning, that the state and intelligence agencies are always out to get me, the state is openly running psychological operations against me, in which they constantly coercing and entice the rest of the society to subject me to harassment and gang stalking, and regularly run members of the public as their the factor proxies in efforts to have me set up, typically some kind of sex criminal without there being any real situations or merit to their preposterous and endless claims of me being some kind of sex criminal, in fact there has never been a single case ever anywhere in the world against me, and yet I am continuously labelled as some kind of serial sex criminal by the powers that be, who simultaneously are doing everything they can to destroy me, without killing me out right, and yet a considerable amount of the people notwithstanding how blatantly obvious everything is now, literally see me the victim as evil incarnated a Jeffrey Epstein equivalent, who everybody needs to help defeat and destroy, and this is a measurement of how effective the Western establishments PSYOP warfare has become, that they can indoctrinate a considerable portion of the population, to believe that the victim of the public persecution is the problem, in many ways as is the case with Palestinians and Israel.

I am the epitome of what Western establishment want to do to all the people who they find undesirable and problematic, I am going to be the first of many who the targeted individual program in public is going to be used against, it is almost too late to do anything, and then again it is never too late to stand up and fight, me personally all I need is someone to fight besides and the rest of the targeted individual community are likewise being brainwashed to believe that I’m some kind of paid participant of the situation that has ruined my life utterly, completely laughable if it wasn’t so serious.

#PET_sabotere_one_stop_engine_shop #Active_measures_against_Stephen_Bell #PET_PSYOPS #The_setup_has_already_happened #Real_truth #under_imminent_threat

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