Why I Think People Aren't Feeling These Maps, Spawns, Overpowered Snipers & Sbmm Is Killing MWIII

1 year ago

#mw3 #mw3beta #mwiiibeta #callofduty #cod #modernwarfareiii #modernwarfare3 #mwiii #mw2
#sledgehammergames #beta

The biggest problem with call of duty MWIII is sbmm and it's not even close. These are the sweatiest pubs I've ever had the displeasure of participating in. It doesn't make sense to have your casual playlist this competitive, and you can't even take the game seriously because it's broken. Inconsistent TTK, hit registration, leading to extremely random gunfights followed by broken spawns that don't make any sense etc
Sbmm will kill this game if it stays like this. Let's talk about these overpowered snipers in this MW3 beta a little bit. And why I think people aren't enjoying these maps as much. I also touch on K&M sweats crying about aim assist all over again LMAO

Call of duty MWIII Beta Highrise & Skidrow gameplay - Xbox Series S

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