I Think My Cat is Plotting to Kill Me

11 months ago

Have you ever felt like your cat is judging you? You're not alone. Many cat owners have reported feeling like their furry friends are constantly casting disapproving glances in their direction.

But why do cats judge us? And what are they thinking when they do it?

There are a few possible explanations. One possibility is that cats are simply more observant than we are. They notice our every move, and they're not afraid to show us when they're not impressed.

Another possibility is that cats are judging us based on their own standards. After all, cats are very independent creatures. They have their own rules and routines, and they don't appreciate it when we disrupt their carefully curated world.

Whatever the reason, it's clear that cats are not afraid to let us know what they think. And if you're caught doing something that your cat disapproves of, you can be sure to get the judgmental look.

In this video, we'll take a closer look at the phenomenon of cat judgment. We'll discuss why cats judge us, what they might be thinking when they do it, and how to deal with a judgmental cat.

We'll also show you some hilarious videos of cats judging their owners. So if you've ever felt like your cat is judging you, this video is for you!

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