Satanic Jewish Torahs - What Jews Really Believe

11 months ago

From RT

The Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah said that Police had confiscated the two ancient Torahs during the arrest. According to the newspaper, the town ancient artifacts worth a total of $1.86mln.

Syrian opposition sources confirmed that Faylaq al-Rahman fighters had stolen the ancient Torahs from a historical 2,000 years old synagogue in the Jobar district, east of the Syrian capital of Damascus. The district was under the control of the US-backed group Faylaq al-Rahman from 2013 until March 2018, when it was finally liberated by the Syrian Arab Army (FSA).

After investigators carefully unraveled the scroll, they reportedly discovered something strange on one of the panels – a picture of a ram’s head inside what appears to be a pentagram…

There are more Torahs found in Syria in 2018 featuring plenty of more Satanic symbolism such as the demon Baphomet, Illuminati triangle with the all seeing eye, blood libel, serpents, kabbalah hand signs, owls and many other things.

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