John Chapter 1

1 year ago

The Way Church 9/10/23
During the first week in our new series studying the book of John, we focused on how John talks about Jesus being the light.
By referencing Jesus in this way, John is tying the creation story into who Jesus is. The God who was creating all thing is Jesus Christ. They are the same person.
Jesus is the source of eternal life and He is the solution to the problem of darkness in our world.
As Christians sharing the good news with people, we need to understand that light to a blind person is no light at all. We have to get to a point where the light is turned on in people’s life and they begin to see truth. Be patient, it will take time.
Only those that draw close to the Lord are able to see the light and come to the truth.
#thewaychurchlivonia #betheway #bookofjohn #jesus #thelight #sundayrecap
#thewaychurchlivonia #betheway #newseries #gospelofjohn

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