UK Strong

1 year ago

Sadiq Khan/Muslim Mayor of London UK has proudly proclaimed the “Diversity is our strength” mantra of the Globalists flooding the West with “diversity.”

Though there seems to be a dearth of data to show in what way increased violence, societal upheaval and financial drain of host countries in the West is making them stronger—we need to take examples wherever we can get them.

In this recent show of diversity strength, here we see “Brits” showing their support for the Hamas led Palestinians just after the recent pre-planned savage attack where they raped, beheaded, burned alive and otherwise slaughtered over a 1,000 Israeli civilians, while taking 200+ hostages—and killing nearly 30 Americans while they’re at it.

So Mayor Khan may be right that “diversity is our strength” — but whose strength was he referring to?

Cheerio old chap.

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