Did God Really Say???

1 year ago

In today's Progressive Christianity, Woke Christianity that is invading the Churches and Body of Christ, along with New Age thought and practices. Man has and is falling for the very lie spoken from the Serpent to Eve... Did God Really Say??? This is a very powerful statement in the fact that with these words open the doors for Doubt, Questioning the Word of God and opening one up to reaching for their own fleshly and soulful desires... This line of witchcraft opens one to manipulative thoughts, ideas, temptations and evil deeds that go on to pick and choose what one wants of the Word of God but refuse the parts they don't want and go to live as Alister Crowley spoke and has become the motto of the Satanic Church, Live Life as Though Will... All the while claiming to be a christian yet living as the world and casting aside many of God's commandments and again fulfilling fleshly and soulful desires...

Many different times the Word from God has said things like... When you go into the land I promised you, do not imitate the people there... Do participate in acts of evil but expose them... Come out from among them and be separate... One can't eat at the table of the Lord and drink from the cup of demons... Both fresh and salt water can not flow from the same spring... Friendship with the world is enmity towards God... And if you Love Me, you will keep My commandments... Jesus has made it very clear the only way to rid evil, is to cast it out, bind it and be loosed from every lingering hold that ties us with any for evil spiritual temptations to fill our fleshly and soulful evil desires... There is no room for reasonable doubt of His Word and Commandments, only the Complete Fullness and Acceptance of His Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven...

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